Category Archives: Wrestling

Episode 86: State Tourney preview!

Al and Josh cover some section recaps and dig in to true second statistics and then jump in to the state tournament including answering a bunch of questions we received about seeding, some with simple explanations and some that are still a bit of a mystery and then pick a handful of brackets in each class to preview!

JV Takes Super Show

The long awaited and highly demanded JV Takes & Al and Josh collab show! Buckle up and grab a snack, we covered so much wrestling (and non wrestling) it ended up being a long one. If people enjoy listening half as much as we loved recording it will be well worth the JV Takes audio editing departments hard work!

Episode 84: surprise call in guest and the post season is here!

Al and Josh cover recent events including college action and commits and just as they are heading in to high school post season talk Josh gets a call we couldn’t ignore. After a lively conversation with the caller they move on to talk recent results, milestones and upcoming action. The next 4 weeks will have high school post season wrestling!

Episode 82: NWCA and recent High School recap

Al and Josh go over the results from the college National Duals held in Cedar Falls last week as well as recent high school events, the mic problems from episode 81 are confirmed to be resolved and Studio 2 is better than ever!

Episode 81: Holiday recaps and more

Al and Josh overcome a failing microphone cable as they recap calling the Christmas tournament and cover some of the other weekend activities.   Josh’s mic gets quiet but luckily they catch it and replace it midway through the show. One more ref sponsor added recently but can still use more!